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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Alpern, Rosenthal & Co.


More than 45 years ago, entrepreneurs Irving Rosenthal and Ed Alpern formed the team that developed into one of the most innovative certified public accounting and business advisory firms. Back in July 1961, the Firm was only a fraction of its current size, with a staff of just one accountant and one secretary. Yet, when revenues doubled in the Firm's second year of business, it was clear that Alpern Rosenthal's inventive solutions and dedicated personnel were meeting a vital need in the marketplace.

Over the next 20 years, the Firm continued on its path of growth and innovative, personalized service. It strengthened its internal structure, added shareholders and expanded into new offices.
As the Firm grew, so did the various industries its clients represented. By the 1990s, the Firm's industry practice groups supported the Construction, Manufacturing, Medical, Not-for-Profit, Professional Services, Real Estate, Retail and Wholesale Distribution industries. This prompted even greater expansion. Then in 1999, a merger with Kaplan Sipos & Associates brought yet another new service to the Firm — Business Valuation & Litigation Support — one of the fastest growing services the Firm offers. Alpern Rosenthal continued to expand into the new millennium with the formation of additional services in International Tax, Financial Staffing Solutions and Comprehensive Risk to name a few.
In 2007, Alpern Rosenthal merged with Cass, Levy & Leone. With offices in West Palm Beach and Stuart, Florida, Cass, Levy & Leone has served the South Florida community with expertise and a talented and creative staff for over 25 years. The merger is a natural fit as Cass, Levy & Leone offered many similar niches to Alpern Rosenthal such as: Business Valuation & Litigation Support, Construction, Emerging Business and Technology Services, Medical, Real Estate and Financial Services. The merger strengthened many of Alpern Rosenthal's existing services and added industry expertise including Family Office Services.
Today, Alpern Rosenthal has more than 250 employees and has more than 66,000 square feet in its corporate headquarters, located in the Heinz 57 Center in downtown Pittsburgh. The Firm serves private and publicly-traded companies as well as not-for-profit entities. Alpern Rosenthal is ranked as a Top 100 Accounting Firm in the U.S. by Accounting Today and INSIDE Public Accounting and is registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).

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